Friday, March 13, 2009

Week three

1. Old and worn rocking rocking chair. How old is this chair? How many people contributed to its wear?

2. An old rocking chair, pictured is just a the top left of the chair though. There are parts appear to be really smooth and other rough and worn out. 

3.  I only took a picture of part of the chair i suppose to give it an interesting look and leave the viewer to wonder what the rest of the chair looks like. I really like the lines not only from the outline of the wood but from the wear lines in the wood. Also the color I set the picture in makes it more dramatic and shows its age.

4.  I think it tells alot, and also leaves alot to the imagination. This old worn out chair was my grandmas so it has a lot of meaning to me. Each scratch or worn out piece of wood has its own unique story. If i had to give a one word label it would probably be "memories" because i can't help but of old wonderful memories when i see it.