2. This is a photo of a dog part corgie part chihuahua, sitting down looking straight up at the camera. Has markings around his eyes, his ears take up the majority of the picture. He has the sweetest eyes and is trying to mesmorize you with them so that he can get held.
3. The composition is almost centered, the dog a little off to the right. I think the eyes become the focal point of the picture with the rug as a nice backround. I left the picture in color but i think it would have looked neat in black and white as well, maybe it would have been a bit more dramatic.
4. The story i think it tells from knowing this dog is that he is trying to look innocent and sweet. The sad puppy eyes get me every time, so i'm sure i took this right after he went to bathroom behind a chair or something, but looking at the pic i can't be mad. So if I had to name it with one word it would be innocent.
5. The photo connects with Kathe Kollowitzs drawings in a way the there is much expression on his face but it still says alot, and with her drawings some of the people didn't show much expression but still the face said alot about the picture.